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Why do we need to consume?

Hello. Is it true that we suffer from innate needs which are being admired, getting attention, needing recognition, approval, love?

Is it true that we do not feel happy or satisfied in life when we suffer of a lack of

some of these emotions or stress coming from the exterior, or internal frustration and complexes humans do have.

Could it be that if people would be nicer, more caring about people and nature, more empathic and less ego targeted, if we would get more communication, less isolation by escaping in a dreamworld with youtube videos or facebook lives of other even unknown people.

Isn't this all related together to be a part of the missing of something in our own life that we try to fill, to compensate with material goods, a big car, electronic gadgets, boat escape, to escape in a different or better world and getting some moments or short periods of joy and happiness in life. escape in a ideal world perfect for the individual needs, second life

Why do all the youngsters need earphones to not hear the sound of nature, nor all the reality in which they live in, do they really need to run away from the real world or is the actual noise situation unbearable for them and they cry out in silence that they want another future, that they want to build their own reality?

I suppose that climate crisis could be decelerated if every citizen would be able to find back to himself, to accept how it is, and to reunite all energy by communication, friendship, human values in harmony with nature, to be able

to go through life with less of all the synthetic needs, that the exterior does continue its manipulating conditioning mechanism.

Escaping these fake values of modern life could bring back a better environmental friendly life i.m.h.o.

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